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New ECB Premises project

28 March 2006

Soil investigations on the site of the Grossmarkthalle

As part of the preparations for the construction of the new ECB premises, the European Central Bank has commissioned environmental soil investigations and a search for unexploded munitions to be carried out on the site of the former Grossmarkthalle. These will begin at the end of March 2006 and are scheduled for completion in July. Both measures are part of a standard procedure preparing the site and will be conducted by experienced firms in close cooperation with the relevant Regierungspräsidium (Regional Council) in Darmstadt and the Frankfurt Umweltamt (Environmental Office).

The planning phase of the New ECB Premises project began in March 2006. Construction is expected to begin towards the end of 2007 with an estimated completion date before the end of 2011.

Further information regarding the New ECB Premises project can be found on the ECB website at: http://www.ecb.europa.eu/ecb/premises.


Europese Centrale Bank

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