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  • Fifth ECB/CBRT Conference
  • Call for Papers
  • Submission deadline: 30 June 2017

“Productivity and Sectoral Reallocation”

Izmir, 6 October 2017

A multi-sectoral viewpoint in macroeconomics considers, among other things, the process of structural transformation, that is, the reallocation of economic activity across sectors. This perspective has recently gained substantial importance as global productivity growth keeps slowing down and allocation of economic activity from the manufacturing sector to services becomes more visible and eventually unavoidable, also in emerging countries, such as China. Developing a better understanding of the link between productivity and sectoral reallocation should help to shed light on potential future growth and on the policy options to sustain growth.

The Conference

The annual conference, the fifth in a series organised jointly by the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) and the European Central Bank (ECB), aims to take stock of the advancement in the theoretical literature and to review empirical applications that are relevant to the work of policymakers.

Organising Committee

Filippo di Mauro (National University of Singapore), Livio Stracca (ECB) and Semih Tümen (CBRT).


We welcome contributions on:

  • productivity and sectoral allocation
  • endogenous labour supply and structural transformation
  • the role of services and intangibles in productivity dynamics
  • the importance of the quality of institutions for different sectors
  • sectoral reallocation and income inequality
  • policies to enhance productivity and reduce the inefficiencies associated with sectoral reallocation

Keynote Speaker

Professor Andrei Levchenko, University of Michigan, will give a keynote speech at the conference.


Please submit full papers or extended abstracts to cbrt.conference@tcmb.gov.tr by 30 June 2017. Authors will be notified whether their papers have been accepted by 15 July 2017.


Please address any queries you may have to one of the following organisers: