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Table 2: Quarterly balance of payments and international investment position of the euro area

(EUR billions, unless otherwise indicated; outstanding amounts at end of period, transactions during period)

Q3 2007 Q4 2007 (revised) Q1 2008
End-of-periodoutstandingamounts Transactions1) Other changes End-of-periodoutstandingamounts Transactions1) Other changes End-of-period outstandingamounts
as % ofpreviousend-periodoutstandingamounts as % ofpreviousend-periodoutstandingamounts as % of GDP
Source: ECB.
( 1 ) In this table, contrary to the balance of payments sign convention, a positive (negative) number indicates an increase (decrease) of euro area assets.
Financial account balance/Net international investment position -1,301.8 80.5 - -73.4 -1,294.7 -19.2 - 34.8 -1,279.0 -13.8
Direct investment 489.5 4.3 - -10.3 483.5 104.8 - -43.0 545.4 5.9
Abroad 3,385.9 78.9 2.3 7.4 3,472.3 143.2 4.1 -79.8 3,535.6 38.0
Equity/reinvested earnings 2,735.1 65.3 2.4 17.9 2,818.3 89.7 3.2 -60.9 2,847.1 30.6
Other capital 650.9 13.7 2.1 -10.5 654.0 53.5 8.2 -18.9 688.6 7.4
In the euro area 2,896.4 74.7 2.6 17.7 2,988.8 38.4 1.3 -36.9 2,990.3 32.2
Equity/reinvested earnings 2,204.9 29.1 1.3 25.1 2,259.1 37.6 1.7 -25.1 2,271.6 24.4
Other capital 691.5 45.6 6.6 -7.3 729.8 0.7 0.1 -11.8 718.7 7.7
Portfolio investment -1,922.7 62.3 - -144.4 -2,004.9 -73.4 - 83.8 -1,994.5 -21.5
Assets 4,785.0 98.7 2.1 -173.5 4,710.3 46.5 1.0 -363.5 4,393.3 47.3
Equity securities 2,120.5 17.6 0.8 -91.9 2,046.3 -47.3 -2.3 -270.0 1,729.0 18.6
Debt securities 2,664.5 81.1 3.0 -81.6 2,664.0 93.8 3.5 -93.4 2,664.3 28.7
Bonds and notes 2,263.6 70.0 3.1 -73.1 2,260.5 27.1 1.2 -68.9 2,218.7 23.9
Money market instruments 400.9 11.1 2.8 -8.5 403.5 66.6 16.5 -24.5 445.6 4.8
Liabilities 6,707.8 36.4 0.5 -29.1 6,715.2 119.8 1.8 -447.2 6,387.8 68.7
Equity securities 3,300.5 -30.6 -0.9 -6.7 3,263.2 45.5 1.4 -412.0 2,896.7 31.2
Debt securities 3,407.3 67.0 2.0 -22.4 3,452.0 74.3 2.2 -35.2 3,491.1 37.6
Bonds and notes 3,039.9 92.9 3.1 -21.5 3,111.3 68.0 2.2 -30.4 3,148.9 33.9
Money market instruments 367.4 -25.8 -7.0 -0.9 340.7 6.3 1.8 -4.8 342.1 3.7
Financial derivatives -0.5 28.8 - 18.2 46.5 14.9 - -30.9 30.4 0.3
Other investment -208.6 -10.0 - 51.5 -167.1 -70.7 - 21.1 -216.6 -2.3
Assets 5,135.2 92.2 1.8 -49.0 5,178.5 272.8 5.3 -131.1 5,320.1 57.2
Eurosystem 21.3 3.4 15.9 -1.4 23.3 9.3 40.0 0.6 33.2 0.4
General government 108.5 1.3 1.2 -2.7 107.1 -5.3 -5.0 -2.0 99.8 1.1
MFIs excluding Eurosystem 3,359.1 57.1 1.7 -61.5 3,354.7 217.8 6.5 -110.2 3,462.3 37.3
Other sectors 1,646.3 30.4 1.8 16.7 1,693.3 51.0 3.0 -19.4 1,724.9 18.6
Liabilities 5,343.9 102.2 1.9 -100.5 5,345.5 343.4 6.4 -152.2 5,536.7 59.6
Eurosystem 114.2 37.5 32.8 -13.5 138.2 21.3 15.4 -1.3 158.2 1.7
General government 55.3 -1.7 -3.0 -1.8 51.8 -0.3 -0.6 -0.6 51.0 0.5
MFIs excluding Eurosystem 3,958.6 50.8 1.3 -65.8 3,943.6 283.9 7.2 -153.8 4,073.8 43.8
Other sectors 1,215.7 15.6 1.3 -19.4 1,211.9 38.4 3.2 3.5 1,253.8 13.5
Reserve assets 340.5 -4.9 -1.4 11.7 347.3 5.1 1.5 3.9 356.3 3.8