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  • 7th CBRT-ECB Conference
  • Call for Papers
  • Submission deadline: 31 July 2019

Competition: firm dynamics, international trade, finance and growth

19-20 September 2019, Istanbul

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) and the European Central Bank (ECB) will host a conference on “Competition: firm dynamics, international trade, finance and growth” on 19 and 20 September 2019 in Istanbul.

This annual conference, the seventh in a series organised jointly by the CBRT and the ECB, aims to take stock of advances in the theoretical literature and to review empirical applications that are relevant to the work of policymakers.

Competition is a key component of well-functioning markets and fosters productivity, innovation, technological progress and growth. Globalisation and technology have been powerful forces transforming competition in product markets all over the world. These two forces, especially in the context of recent rapid digital transformation, affect firm dynamics and product market competition, which in turn affect labour markets, income distribution, investment, innovation, productivity growth and the inclusiveness of growth.

Against this background, a deeper understanding of the changing effect of competition at the micro and macro levels remains crucial for designing effective economic policy. In particular, we welcome contributions on:

  • firm dynamics: nature of firm growth, pricing behaviour, investment, productivity, innovation and factor reallocation
  • measuring the level of competition over time and across industries
  • market concentration, market power and the investment decisions of firms
  • the granular nature of aggregate fluctuations
  • rising market power and its implications for economic policy
  • international trade issues such as import competition, productivity and innovation
  • drivers of economic growth in the short and long run, credit market competition and financial stability
  • product market competition and regulation, and firm competitiveness

Keynote Speakers

  • Romain Duval (International Monetary Fund)
  • Jan Eeckhout (Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona Graduate School of Economics; University College London)

Submission procedure and deadlines

Both completed manuscripts – which will be given priority – and extended abstracts should be submitted in PDF format to CBRT_conference2019@tcmb.gov.tr by 31 July 2019. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by early August 2019.


The organisers will reimburse travel and accommodation expenses for academic presenters.

If you would like to participate in the conference without giving a presentation, please send your full name, affiliation and position in the institution you represent to CBRT_conference2019@tcmb.gov.tr, with “CBRT Conference 2019 Participation” as the email subject. Please note that we reimburse travel and accommodation expenses for presenters only.

Organising Committee

  • Seyit Mümin Cılasun (CBRT)
  • Mahmut Günay (CBRT)
  • Isabella Moder (ECB)
  • Ufuk Akçiğit (University of Chicago)

Contact information

Please address any questions regarding the programme and organisational details to CBRT_conference2019@tcmb.gov.tr. Please feel free to share this call for papers with any of your colleagues who might be interested in presenting their research.