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Clarifications concerning international organisations

  • Question ID: 2018/0045
  • Date of publication: 20/08/2018
  • Subject matter: Counterparty reference data
  • AnaCredit Manual: Part II
  • Data attribute: Counterparty identifier


Could you please confirm that the list of international organisations as provided on the ECB’s AnaCredit webpage is complete?


It should be clarified that the ECB provides the “list of international organisations” (available on the ECB’s AnaCredit webpage) exclusively in the context of AnaCredit. It should thus be emphasised that the list should be seen merely in the context of the AnaCredit reporting obligations concerning the counterparty reference data. It is neither an exhaustive nor legally binding list of such organisations, and it is not intended for purposes other than AnaCredit. Nonetheless, the list is regularly enhanced.

Unless otherwise decided by the relevant NCB, only the counterparty identifier (i.e. the RIAD code, as indicated in Column E in the list itself) is reported for these entities, while all other counterparty reference data attributes are reported as “Not required”.

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See also Special categories of counterparties


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