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DelC 7.7 Delors Committee documents
- 06/10/1988
Note from J. Mingasson to J. Delors with a Comparaison des 2 Documents sur l'Union Économique Soumis au Comité d'Étude pour l'Union Économique et Monétaire
Archival reference: DelC 7.7
- 04/10/1988
Brief comment on Mr. Pöhl's paper Outline of Problems Connected with European Economic Union
Archival reference: DelC 7.7
- 01/10/1988 -30/11/1989
Outline of Problems Connected with a European Economic Union
Archival reference: DelC 7.7
- 01/10/1988 -30/11/1989
Handwritten notes on the paper Outline of Problems Connected with a European Economic Union
Archival reference: DelC 7.7
- 14/09/1988
Letter from K. Pöhl to G. Bear in which he states that he is sending his papers on problems connection with an European economic and monetary union
Archival reference: DelC 7.7
- 09/09/1988
Outline of Problems Connected with a European Economic Union, highlighted and with notes
Archival reference: DelC 7.7