€2 commemorative coins - 2015
The descriptions on this page have been taken from the Official Journal of the European Union and may therefore deviate slightly from other material published on this website.

Feature: The Lithuanian language
Description: The design shows the word ‘AČIŪ’ (THANK YOU) — one of the most beautiful words in the Lithuanian language. An original Lithuanian font — created specially on the basis of the Latin font for the occasion of the centenary of the restoration of Lithuanian press — in order to match better the combinations of letters used most in the Lithuanian language, is used in the project. All the letters of the Lithuanian language are depicted on the background of the word ‘AČIŪ’, laid out in a tag cloud. At the bottom is the name of the issuing country ‘LIETUVA’ and underneath the name is the year ‘2015’. At the bottom right, under the word ‘AČIŪ’ is the mint mark of the Lithuanian Mint. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 1 million coins
Issuing date: December 2015

Feature: 30th anniversary of the Coming of Age and Political Rights to the Men and Women turning 18 years old
Description: The design shows a partial reproduction of a young person casting a vote. The ballot that the figure is holding reproduces the inscription ‘ANDORRA’. To the left of the figure there are the years that are being commemorated ‘1985’ and ‘2015’ (the latter is the year of issue of the coin as well). A shorter inscription of the commemoration surrounds the whole design ‘30è ANIVERSARI MAJORIA D’EDAT ALS 18 ANYS’ (30th anniversary Coming of Age at 18 years old). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 85 000 coins
Issuing date: December 2015

Feature: 25th anniversary of the Signature of the Customs Agreement with the European Union
Description: The design shows at the top the map of Andorra with the coat of arms of the Principality highlighted inside it. At the bottom of the design, two opposing arrows interlaced, symbolising the Customs Agreement between Andorra and the EU, show the years that are being commemorated ‘1990’ and ‘2015’ (the latter is also the year of issue of the coin) and the name of the issuing country ‘ANDORRA’. Surrounding the map of Andorra appears the inscription ‘25è aniversari de la Signatura de l’Acord Duaner amb la Unió Europea’ (25th anniversary of the Signature of the Customs Agreement with the European Union). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 85 000 coins
Issuing date: December 2015

Feature: 800th anniversary of the construction of the first Castle on the rock
Description: The design shows a tower on the top of the rock. At the top the name of the issuing country ‘MONACO’ flanked by the Paris mint mark and the mint master mark. At the bottom, the inscription ‘FONDATION DE LA FORTERESSE’ (Foundation of the fortress), flanked by the years ‘1215’ and ‘2015’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 10 000 coins
Issuing date: November 2015

Vatican City
Feature: The VIII World Meeting of Families
Description: The design depicts two families which ideally embrace the whole Earth. At the top, the year of issuance ‘2015’. At the left side, the name of the artist ‘C. Principe’. The mint mark R appears on the arm of one family member at the right. The design is surrounded by the inscription ‘VIII INCONTRO MONDIALE DELLE FAMIGLIE’ (The VIII World Meeting of Families), from the left to the right in semi-circle and ‘CITTA' DEL VATICANO’ at the bottom. The coin's outer ring depicts the 12 stars of the European flag.
Issuing volume: 122 000 coins
Issuing date: October 2015

Feature: The 150th anniversary of the birth of artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela
Description: On the top of the design there is a swimming swan of Tuonela. The water below the swan is waving from the descending spirit. The indication of the issuing country ‘FI’ is at the right end of the horizon line. At the bottom of the design there is the artist’s palette with Gallen-Kallela’s year of birth ‘1865’ and the year of issuance ‘2015’. Next to the pallet is the mint mark. The artist’s name ‘AKSELI GALLEN KALLELA’ is on the ring of the coin, below the horizon line. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 500 000 coins
Issuing date: October 2015

Feature: Endangered nature – the Black Stork
Description: The design shows a black stork (Ciconia nigra) which is considered to be one of the nature conservation flagship species in Europe. In 2005 the Black Stork Protection Plan was adopted in Latvia. At the bottom of the design is the name of the issuing country ‘LATVIJA’ and underneath the year of issuance ‘2015’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 1 010 000 coins
Issuing date: October 2015

Feature: 200th anniversary of the birth of Ľudovít Štúr
Description: The design depicts a portrait of Ľudovít Štúr. Inscribed to the right of the portrait, parallel to the edge of the inner part of the coin, are the year of issuance ‘2015’ and, further right along the edge, the name of issuing country ‘SLOVENSKO’. Inscribed to the left of the portrait, parallel to the inner edge, are the dates of Štúr’s birth and death ‘1815–1856’ and, further left along the edge, the name ‘ĽUDOVÍT ŠTÚR’. In the upper right part of the design is the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the initials ‘MK’ placed between two dies. In the lower right part are the stylised letters ‘IŘ’, the initials of the designer, Ivan Řehák. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 1 million coins
Issuing date: October 2015

Euro area countries
Feature: The 30th anniversary of the EU flag
Description: The designs show the EU flag as a symbol that unites people and cultures with shared visions and ideals for a better common future. Twelve stars that morph into human figures are embracing the birth of a new Europe. At the top right, in semi-circle, are the issuing country and the years ‘1985-2015’. At the bottom right are the initials of the artist (Georgios Stamatopoulos). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: varies from country to country
Issuing date: fourth quarter of 2015

Feature: 75 years in memoriam of Spyros Louis
Description: The design shows Spyros Louis and the cup that he was awarded, against the background with the Panathenaic Stadium. Inscribed along the inner edge is the country of issuance ‘HELLENIC REPUBLIC’ and ‘75 YEARS IN MEMORIAM OF SPYROS LOUIS’ (in Greek). Above the cup appears the year of issuance ‘2015’ and to the right a palmette (the mint mark of the Greek Mint). Visible at the bottom of the design is the monogram of the artist (George Stamatopoulos). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 750 000 coins
Issuing date: third quarter of 2015

Feature: Republic of Malta 1974
Description: The coin is the last in a series of five commemorating Maltese constitutional milestones. Malta was declared a republic on 13 December 1974 following constitutional changes which were agreed upon by a great majority in Malta’s Parliament. The design reproduces a marble tablet affixed to the façade of the Presidential Palace in Valletta to mark Malta’s change from a monarchy to a republic. At the top right, in semi-circle, the inscription ‘MALTA — Republic 1974’. At the bottom, the year ‘2015’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 400 000 coins
Issuing date: September 2015

San Marino
Feature: 25th anniversary of the German reunification
Description: The design shows the Brandenburg Gate which during the Cold War was located in East Berlin, in two representations which are intertwined like two hands, symbolizing the reunification of the two parts of Berlin. At the right the mint mark ‘R’ and at the left the initials of the artist ‘ES’ (Erik Spiekermann). In circle around the design are the inscription ‘25o ANNIVERSARIO DELLA RIUNIFICAZIONE DELLA GERMANIA 1990-2015’ (25th anniversary of the German reunification) and the country and year of issuance ‘San Marino MMXV’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 100 000 coins
Issuing date: September 2015

Feature: 2015 – European Year for Development
Description: The inner part of the coin depicts a hand holding a globe of the Earth with a plant in the foreground. The inscription ‘2015 EUROPEAN YEAR FOR DEVELOPMENT’ features in an arc above the globe. The country code ‘BE’ appears beneath the hand while the signature mark of the Master of the Mint and the mark of the Brussels mint, a helmeted profile of the archangel Michael, are to its left. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 250 000 coins
Issuing date: September 2015

Feature: 125th anniversary of the House of Nassau-Weilburg
Description: On the left of the coin is the effigy of His Royal Highness Grand Duke Henri, and on the right, in a circular arrangement, and in chronological order of their accession to the throne, the portraits of their Royal Highnesses Grand Dukes Adolphe and Guillaume IV, Grand Duchesses Marie-Adélaïde and Charlotte, and Grand Duke Jean. To the right, also in circular format, is the inscription ‘1890 - Dynastie Nassau-Weilbourg’. The name of the issuing country, ‘Luxembourg’, and the year, ‘2015’, run vertically in the centre of the design. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 1,4 million coins
Issuing date: August 2015

Feature: 225th anniversary of the Fête de la Fédération (Festival of the Federation)
Description: The French national holiday brings the people of France together in celebration of the Republic. The design shows Marianne, the symbol of the Republic, depicted in profile in a graphic, contemporary style. She is wearing the Phrygian cap. On the right the tricolour cockade appears in outline above the letters RF. The year is written in the centre of the coin. The left side features a stanza from the poem ‘Liberté’ by the French poet Paul Eluard, an allusion to the motto of the French Republic. The mint marks appear alongside this extract.The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 4 million coins
Issuing date: July 2015

Feature: 750th anniversary of the birth of Dante Alighieri 1265-2015
Description: The design shows Dante with an open book in his left hand and the Purgatory mountain at the back: detail from the illustration of the Divine Comedy painted by Domenico di Michelino (1417-1491) in the Dome of S. Maria del Fiore in Florence; in the centre, the monogram of the Italian Republic ‘RI’; at the right the inscription ‘R’, identifying the Mint of Rome; below the inscription ‘SP’, initials of Silvia Petrassi and the dates ‘1265 2015’, i.e. the year of the anniversary and that of the coin’s issue respectively; arch shaped, the inscription ‘DANTE ALIGHIERI’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 3,5 million coins
Issuing date: July 2015

Feature: 500 years of the first contacts with Timor, nowadays an independent Portuguese speaking country (Timor Lorosae)
Description: The design depicts a XVI Century ship, representing the arrival of the Portuguese navigators to the island, and a local house thatched roof top, including the typical wood sculptures, permanent memories of myths and legends. The one depicted on the coin represents the history of the first inhabitants, who arrived by boat from other parts of the Asian continent and the importance of the horse to travel around the steep mountains which cover most of the island. At the top right, the year ‘1515’ and the name of the issuing country ‘PORTUGAL’. At the bottom left, the inscription ‘TIMOR’ and the year ‘2015’. At the bottom, the signature of the artist Fernando Fonseca. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 520 000 coins
Issuing date: July 2015

Feature: 150th Anniversary of the Portuguese Red Cross
Description: The design depicts a visual composition based on the well-known cross, symbol of the organisation, replicated several times to represent the expansion of the humanitarian action both in Portugal and abroad. The contour of a hand in the background symbolises the different kinds of help given by the organisation to the people, mostly medical, but also and among others: cooperating, constructing and supporting. At the left side, in semicircle, the inscription ‘CRUZ VERMELHA PORTUGUESA’. At the top, the Coat of Arms and the name of the issuing country ‘PORTUGAL’ and at the bottom the years ‘1865’ and ‘2015’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 520 000 coins
Issuing date: April 2015

San Marino
Feature: The 750th anniversary of the birth of Dante Alighieri
Description: The design by Annalisa Masini shows a portrait of Dante, taken from a fresco by Botticelli. At the right of the portrait, the inscription ‘DANTE’ on a vertical axis. At the right of the inner centre, the name of the issuing country ‘SAN MARINO’ in semi-circle. Between these two inscriptions, the mint mark ‘R’, the years ‘1265’ and ‘2015’ and the initials of the artist ‘AM’. The lettering style used in identifying the nation and the coin's subject was inspired by lettering in the first copies of the Divina Commedia (Dante’s Divine Comedy). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 104 000 coins
Issuing date: April 2015

Feature: First flight from Malta
Description: The coin commemorates an important milestone in Maltese aviation history — the 100 years since the first flight from Malta. It was on 13 February 1915 that Captain Kilmer took off from the Grand Harbour on a seaplane that was carried by HMS Ark Royal. The plane landed in the harbour after a 55-minute flight. The coin depicts Captain Kilmer’s seaplane with Senglea Point, a prominent feature in the Grand Harbour, in the background. At the top the inscription ‘FIRST FLIGHT FROM MALTA’ in semi-circle. At the right the years ‘1915-2015’. At the bottom left the inscription ‘100TH ANNIVERSARY’ and at the bottom the initials of the designer ‘NGB’ (Noel Galea Bason). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 300 000 coins
Issuing date: March 2015

Feature: 15th anniversary of the accession to the throne of H.R.H. the Grand Duke
Description: The coin depicts their Royal Highnesses Grand Duke Henri and the Grand Duchess. The year of accession ‘2000’, the issuing country ‘Luxembourg’ and the year mark ‘2015’ appear above them. Below them appears the inscription ‘15e anniversaire de l’accession au trône de S.A.R. le Grand-Duc’ (15th anniversary of the accession to the throne of H.R.H. the Grand Duke). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 1,4 million coins
Issuing date: March 2015

Feature: EXPO Milano 2015
Description: The design depicts a composition symbolising the fertility of Earth: on a semicircle indicating the terrestrial sphere, a seed fed by the water waits to sprout; above the Earth, a vine, an olive twig and an ear grow from a tree trunk; around, the inscription ‘NUTRIRE IL PIANETA’; on the left the initials of the designer Maria Grazia Urbani, ‘MGU’; on the right, the monogram of Italian Republic ‘RI’ and ‘R’, identifying the Mint of Rome; in the middle, logo of the EXPO MILANO 2015. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 3,5 million coins
Issuing date: March 2015

Feature: Unesco’s World Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites — Cave of Altamira
Description: The design depicts in the foreground the bison painting from the Cave of Altamira located in Cantabria. In the upper side of the image, in circular sense and with capital letters, the word ‘ESPAÑA’, at the bottom the year of issuance ‘2015’ and at the right the mint mark. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 8 million coins
Issuing date: February 2015

Feature: 25 years of German Unity
Description: The people in the foreground, who embody a new beginning and the advance towards a better future, are standing in front of the Brandenburg Gate, symbol of German unity. The rendering of the statement Wir sind ein Volk (‘we are one people’) — a collective expression of will by German citizens – represents the path forwards towards German reunification. The inner part also features the mint mark of the respective mint (‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’) as well as the issuing country’s country code ‘D’ and the engraver’s mark (the initials ‘BW’ — Bernd Wendhut). The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 30 million coins
Issuing date: January 2015

Feature: Hessen from the 'Lander' series
Description: The design depicts a classic perspective on St. Paul’s Church in Frankfurt (the ‘Paulskirche’ was the seat of Germany’s first freely elected legislative body in 1849 and is regarded as the cradle of German democracy) and is therefore the perspective possessing the greatest recognition value. The design incisively brings out the tension between the dominant tower and the elliptical structure of the church. The slightly exaggerated flight of steps has an inviting quality while simultaneously offering support to the subjacent inscription ‘HESSEN’ (the Federal State of Hessen in which St. Paul’s Church is situated).The inner part also features the year ‘2015’ and the mint mark of the respective mint (‘A’, ‘D’, ‘F’, ‘G’ or ‘J’) at the left side as well as the issuing country’s indication ‘D’ and the engraver’s mark (the initials ‘HH’ — Heinz Hoyer) at the right side. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 30 million coins
Issuing date: January 2015

Feature: Emona-Ljubljana
Description: The central image of the coin is the composition of letters that form the word ‘EMONA’ or ‘AEMONA’ and a stylised design of Emona. At the bottom, in circular sense, the inscription ‘EMONA LJUBLJANA SLOVENIJA 2015’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 1 million coins
Issuing date: January 2015

Feature: Europe building peace and security since 1945
Description: In the coin’s central field is a modern graphic representation of a dove. It is carrying an olive branch, the symbol of peace, whose branches have been replaced by the 12 stars of the European flag. The 28 countries of the European Union are represented by the ISO code for each country. The letters RF (République Française) are at the bottom of the coin. The mint marks are on the left-hand side and the year 2015 on the right. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 4 million coins
Issuing date: January 2015

Feature: The 150th anniversary of the birth of composer Jean Sibelius
Description: At the inner part of the coin is sky with stars, tree tops at the right. The text ‘JEAN SIBELIUS’ and the year of issuance ‘2015’ are placed at the left inner part of the coin. At the right is the indication of the issuing country ‘FI’ and the mint mark. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 1 million coins
Issuing date: January 2015

Feature: Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Description: The design shows the official logo of the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The logo is complemented by the lettering ‘LATVIJAS PREZIDENTŪRA ES PADOMĒ’ (LATVIAN PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION) and the website of the Presidency ‘EU2015.LV’. The coin’s outer ring bears the 12 stars of the European Union.
Issuing volume: 2 million coins
Issuing date: January 2015