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ECB appoints Doris Schneeberger as Director Banknotes

12 November 2021

  • Doris Schneeberger to take up role on 1 February 2022
  • Ms Schneeberger succeeds Ton Roos, who is retiring

The Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB) has appointed Doris Schneeberger as Director Banknotes. The Directorate Banknotes is responsible for coordinating and monitoring banknote developments within the Eurosystem and with third parties. Ms Schneeberger will shape the Directorate’s overall strategy including the Eurosystem’s cash strategy, which aims to ensure that cash remains widely available and accepted as a competitive means of payment and store of value.

Ms Schneeberger has been the Head of the Currency Management Division since 2015, coordinating the production and issuance of euro banknotes across the euro area. She will succeed Ton Roos, who is retiring.

Before joining the ECB in 2015, Ms Schneeberger held a number of expert and managerial roles in the field of cash and payments at the Oesterreichische Nationalbank. She holds a master’s degree in Business Administration from the Vienna University of Economics and Business.

For media queries, please contact Georgina Garriga Sánchez, tel.: +49 152 2255 2184.


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