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ECB awards contract to new construction company for remaining structural works for the double office tower

17 February 2011

The European Central Bank (ECB) has awarded the contract for the remaining structural works for the double office tower to the construction company Ed. Züblin AG, with construction due to be continued this week. Ed. Züblin AG was ranked second in the procurement for the structural works for the new double office tower, which was completed in 2010. The company has committed to completing the structural works for the new ECB premises as planned, in terms of timing, cost and quality.

The date of completion of the new premises remains unchanged for the end of 2013, with the ECB moving in thereafter, i.e. in 2014.

Further details regarding the new ECB premises can be found on the ECB’s website at http://www.ecb.europa.eu/newpremises.


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