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  • Call for papers
  • Submission deadline: 4 June 2021

WE_ARE_IN Macroeconomics and Finance

Thursday, 4 and Friday, 5 November 2021
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the European Central Bank (ECB) are inviting submissions for their 2021 conference “WE_ARE_IN Macroeconomics and Finance”.

Welcome address by Christine Lagarde.

The conference aims to bring together female experts to present and discuss new research on macroeconomics and finance of particular interest to central banks. We welcome both empirical and theoretical contributions on topics including, but not limited to, monetary policy, financial stability and international finance. The conference will foster interaction among junior and senior female economists across academia and policy institutions.

WE_ARE_IN stands for Women in Economics: Advancing Research in Economics Internationally. It brings together two initiatives WE_ARE and WiM, based respectively in Europe and the US. WE_ARE is a CEPR seminar series where junior women present their work and get constructive feedback from their peers and from senior women. WiM is an annual conference that features the work of Women in Macro and creates opportunities to strengthen their research and build their network.

Policy panel

A policy panel on “Rebuilding after COVID: central banking in support of society and a new social contract” will take place on the first day of the conference, moderated by Stephanie Flanders (Bloomberg) and with the following panellists confirmed:

  • Isabel Schnabel (ECB and CEPR)
  • Dame Minouche Shafik (LSE and CEPR)

How to apply

We are inviting academic papers from female researchers. To submit a paper, please go to the conference page on the CEPR website, login with your CEPR account and indicate whether or not you wish to present a paper or would be willing to act as a discussant. The deadline for replies is 19:00 CET on Friday, 4 June. If you do not already have an account on the CEPR website, you can create a new account here.

If you have any difficulties applying for this meeting, please contact Lydia Williams from CEPR.

Conference details


The conference is planned to take place in person at the ECB in Frankfurt, provided travel restrictions have been lifted and it is safe to do so. If it is not deemed safe to meet in person, the conference will take place online.

WE_ARE_IN Committee

  • Marina Azzimonti, Stony Brook University and CEPR
  • Alessandra Fogli, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and CEPR
  • Veronica Guerrieri, Chicago Booth School of Business and CEPR
  • Caterina Mendicino, European Central Bank
  • Hélène Rey, London Business School and CEPR

Conference organisers

  • Caterina Mendicino, European Central Bank
  • Hélène Rey, London Business School and CEPR