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Estimated MFI loans to non-financial corporations by economic activity (NACE classification)

This section provides time series on loans granted to euro area non-financial corporations by the euro area monetary financial institution (MFI) sector, broken down by economic activity in accordance with NACE Rev. 2.


These data complement data on loans to non-financial corporations resident in the euro area reported by euro area MFIs under Regulation ECB/2021/2 on the balance sheet items of credit institutions and MFIs. The breakdown of loans by economic activity is not required under Regulation ECB/2021/2. In order to derive euro area estimates, additional information is extracted from national sources and supplementary estimations are performed by the ECB (for more information on the sources and methodology used, see Loans from euro area monetary financial institutions to non-financial corporations by economic activity.

Data refer to outstanding amounts of loans at the end of each quarter, with the time series beginning with the first quarter of 2003.

NACE classification

The Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, commonly referred to as NACE (for the French term "nomenclature statistique des activités économiques dans la Communauté européenne"), is the industry standard classification system used in the European Union.

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