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Call for papers

ECB Public Finance Workshop: “The political economy of fiscal adjustment in Europe”

Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 16 October 2013

About the workshop

The ECB’s Fiscal Policies Division is organising a workshop on the political economy of fiscal adjustment in Europe, to be held on 16 October 2013 at the ECB in Frankfurt am Main.


Possible topics for discussion during the workshop are:

  • the challenge of fiscal adjustment in times of high debt, low growth and high unemployment
  • implications of the financial crisis and the “Great Recession” for fiscal adjustment
  • implications of crisis management frameworks for fiscal adjustment
  • political constraints to the pace and composition of fiscal adjustment (e.g. electoral and interest group pressure)
  • distributional aspects of fiscal adjustment (across social groups, generations and countries)
  • fiscal adjustment, bank recapitalisation and structural reforms: complements or substitutes?
  • EU fiscal governance structures and fiscal adjustment
  • fiscal adjustment and fiscal union: lessons from the EMU experience


Submissions should be sent to the ECB’s Fiscal Policies Division ( by 13 September 2013. Please also indicate whether you would be interested in acting as a discussant. The authors of selected papers will be notified in September. The conference is open to practitioners from the European System of Central Banks, the private sector and national and international institutions, as well as academics.

Organising committee

Francesco Drudi, Maximilian Freier, Maria Grazia Attinasi and Carolin Nerlich (all ECB)