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Publication of a book on “Statistics and their use for monetary and economic policy-making”

11 March 2005

The European Central Bank (ECB) is today publishing a book entitled “Statistics and their use for monetary and economic policy-making”. This book contains the proceedings of the second ECB conference on statistics held in Frankfurt am Main on 22 and 23 April 2004, including speeches by the President of the ECB, Jean-Claude Trichet, and the late former member of the Executive Board, Eugenio Domingo Solans. Contributions from leading experts in the field address the following subjects:

  • Statistics for monetary policy and financial stability purposes;
  • Business accounting standards and statistical standards;
  • Policy uses of and future developments in balance of payments statistics;
  • Economic and financial accounts for monetary and economic policy;
  • International statistics: quality and policy issues.

The publication can be downloaded as a pdf file from the ECB’s website at http://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub. Alternatively, hard copies may be obtained by writing to the ECB’s Press and Information Division at the address given below.


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