All key statistics
This list provides an overview of the main statistical data and other key datasets produced and disseminated by the ECB. A full list of all statistical datasets is available on the ECB Data Portal.
- Horizontal indicators
- ECB/Eurosystem policy and exchange rates
Minimum reserves and liquidity
- Money, credit and banking
The balance sheets of monetary financial institutions (MFIs)
The balance sheets of credit institutions and money market funds
Estimated MFI loans to non-financial corporations by economic activity (NACE classification)
- Financial corporations
Financial vehicle corporation statistics
- Financial markets and interest rates
Long-term interest rate statistics for EU Member States
Short-Term European Paper (STEP)
Money market statistical reporting
Indicators of financial integration and structure in the euro area
- Balance of payments and other external statistics
Balance of payments and international investment position
External debt statistics (EDS)
- Macroeconomic and sectoral statistics
- Payment statistics
Traffic settled in the TARGET Services
Cross-border collateral in Eurosystem credit operations
- ECB surveys
Survey of monetary analysts (SMA)
Survey of professional forecasters (SPF)
Survey on the access to finance of enterprises (SAFE)
Household finance and consumption survey (HFCS)
Consumer expectations survey (CES)
Study on the payment attitudes of consumers in the euro area (SPACE)
- Supervisory and prudential statistics