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Table 2: International investment position of the euro area

(EUR billions, unless otherwise indicated; amounts outstanding at the end of the period, flows during the period; non-working day and non-seasonally adjusted)

Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Q1 2016
Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Percentage of GDP
Net/Balance -1,478 -1,207 -1,171 171 59 -46 22 -966 49 -96 87 -332 -1,258 -12
of which: Direct investment 1,915 1,855 1,766 39 46 11 -75 1,788 44 -90 -29 -246 1,466 14
of which: Portfolio investment -3,832 -3,489 -3,305 122 7 -14 87 -3,104 143 -4 86 -84 -2,962 -28
of which: Other investment -184 -202 -240 -49 -0 14 10 -266 -157 9 1 5 -408 -4
Assets 22,390 22,097 21,672 107 271 78 64 22,191 433 -430 -67 -11 22,117 211
Direct investment 9,368 9,377 9,392 181 115 23 36 9,748 166 -199 -43 12 9,683 92
Equity 6,401 6,404 6,429 164 79 18 24 6,714 140 -137 -33 28 6,713 64
Debt instruments 2,967 2,972 2,963 17 36 5 12 3,033 26 -62 -11 -16 2,971 28
Portfolio investment 7,296 7,195 6,854 105 98 102 20 7,179 135 -132 -53 -31 7,097 68
Equity 2,749 2,706 2,424 -4 52 104 -7 2,570 -15 -55 -68 -5 2,427 23
Investment fund shares 476 468 454 -0 5 8 5 471 -3 -12 -7 -10 439 4
Debt securitites 4,070 4,021 3,976 110 41 -11 22 4,138 152 -66 23 -16 4,231 40
Short-term 642 627 591 35 5 -0 6 636 12 -11 -11 3 629 6
Long-term 3,428 3,394 3,385 75 36 -11 16 3,502 140 -54 34 -19 3,602 34
Financial derivatives (net assets) -69 -29 -36 54  - -46 -0 -28 19  - -11 -8 -28 -0
Other investment 5,105 4,896 4,818 -239 52 10 8 4,649 113 -88 1 15 4,689 45
of which: Currency and deposits 2,826 2,652 2,617 -172 25  - 11 2,481 16 -48  - 17 2,466 24
Reserve assets 690 658 644 5 6 -10 -0 644 1 -10 40 0 675 6
Liabilities 23,868 23,304 22,843 -64 212 124 42 23,157 385 -334 -153 321 23,375 223
Direct investment 7,453 7,521 7,625 142 69 13 111 7,960 122 -108 -14 258 8,218 78
Equity 4,599 4,663 4,775 132 39 9 77 5,031 81 -52 -6 156 5,210 50
Debt instruments 2,854 2,859 2,850 10 30 4 34 2,929 41 -56 -8 102 3,007 29
Portfolio investment 11,127 10,684 10,159 -16 91 116 -67 10,282 -8 -128 -139 53 10,060 96
Equity 2,206 2,076 1,820 -19 10 92 -20 1,884 26 -19 -135 -22 1,735 17
Investment fund shares 3,404 3,297 3,126 73 36 61 -22 3,274 -34 -43 -85 26 3,138 30
Debt securities 5,517 5,311 5,212 -70 44 -37 -25 5,124 0 -67 80 49 5,187 49
Short-term 469 444 429 -59 4 -1 0 372 24 -4 4 11 406 4
Long-term 5,048 4,868 4,784 -11 41 -36 -25 4,752 -24 -62 76 38 4,781 46
Other investment 5,288 5,098 5,059 -190 52 -5 -2 4,914 270 -97 -0 10 5,098 49
of which: Currency and deposits 3,160 3,058 3,034 -188 32  - -13 2,865 183 -58  - 2 2,992 29
Memo item: Gross external debt 13,655 13,264 13,117 -250 127 -38 7 12,962 311 -220 72 162 13,287 127
Memo item: Net external debt 1,271 1,145 1,129 -142 -6 -41 -37 902 20 4 58 178 1,162 11
Source: ECB.

Table 2: International investment position of the euro area

(EUR billions, unless otherwise indicated; amounts outstanding at the end of the period, flows during the period; non-working day and non-seasonally adjusted)

Q1 2015 Q2 2015 Q3 2015 Q4 2015 Q1 2016
Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Percentage of GDP
Net/Balance -1,478 -1,207 -1,171 171 59 -46 22 -966 49 -96 87 -332 -1,258 -12
of which: Direct investment 1,915 1,855 1,766 39 46 11 -75 1,788 44 -90 -29 -246 1,466 14
of which: Portfolio investment -3,832 -3,489 -3,305 122 7 -14 87 -3,104 143 -4 86 -84 -2,962 -28
of which: Other investment -184 -202 -240 -49 -0 14 10 -266 -157 9 1 5 -408 -4
Assets 22,390 22,097 21,672 107 271 78 64 22,191 433 -430 -67 -11 22,117 211
Direct investment 9,368 9,377 9,392 181 115 23 36 9,748 166 -199 -43 12 9,683 92
Equity 6,401 6,404 6,429 164 79 18 24 6,714 140 -137 -33 28 6,713 64
Debt instruments 2,967 2,972 2,963 17 36 5 12 3,033 26 -62 -11 -16 2,971 28
Portfolio investment 7,296 7,195 6,854 105 98 102 20 7,179 135 -132 -53 -31 7,097 68
Equity 2,749 2,706 2,424 -4 52 104 -7 2,570 -15 -55 -68 -5 2,427 23
Investment fund shares 476 468 454 -0 5 8 5 471 -3 -12 -7 -10 439 4
Debt securitites 4,070 4,021 3,976 110 41 -11 22 4,138 152 -66 23 -16 4,231 40
Short-term 642 627 591 35 5 -0 6 636 12 -11 -11 3 629 6
Long-term 3,428 3,394 3,385 75 36 -11 16 3,502 140 -54 34 -19 3,602 34
Financial derivatives (net assets) -69 -29 -36 54  - -46 -0 -28 19  - -11 -8 -28 -0
Other investment 5,105 4,896 4,818 -239 52 10 8 4,649 113 -88 1 15 4,689 45
of which: Currency and deposits 2,826 2,652 2,617 -172 25  - 11 2,481 16 -48  - 17 2,466 24
Reserve assets 690 658 644 5 6 -10 -0 644 1 -10 40 0 675 6
Liabilities 23,868 23,304 22,843 -64 212 124 42 23,157 385 -334 -153 321 23,375 223
Direct investment 7,453 7,521 7,625 142 69 13 111 7,960 122 -108 -14 258 8,218 78
Equity 4,599 4,663 4,775 132 39 9 77 5,031 81 -52 -6 156 5,210 50
Debt instruments 2,854 2,859 2,850 10 30 4 34 2,929 41 -56 -8 102 3,007 29
Portfolio investment 11,127 10,684 10,159 -16 91 116 -67 10,282 -8 -128 -139 53 10,060 96
Equity 2,206 2,076 1,820 -19 10 92 -20 1,884 26 -19 -135 -22 1,735 17
Investment fund shares 3,404 3,297 3,126 73 36 61 -22 3,274 -34 -43 -85 26 3,138 30
Debt securities 5,517 5,311 5,212 -70 44 -37 -25 5,124 0 -67 80 49 5,187 49
Short-term 469 444 429 -59 4 -1 0 372 24 -4 4 11 406 4
Long-term 5,048 4,868 4,784 -11 41 -36 -25 4,752 -24 -62 76 38 4,781 46
Other investment 5,288 5,098 5,059 -190 52 -5 -2 4,914 270 -97 -0 10 5,098 49
of which: Currency and deposits 3,160 3,058 3,034 -188 32  - -13 2,865 183 -58  - 2 2,992 29
Memo item: Gross external debt 13,655 13,264 13,117 -250 127 -38 7 12,962 311 -220 72 162 13,287 127
Memo item: Net external debt 1,271 1,145 1,129 -142 -6 -41 -37 902 20 4 58 178 1,162 11
Source: ECB.