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Table 3: International investment position of the euro area

(EUR billions, unless otherwise indicated; amounts outstanding at the end of the period, flows during the period; non-working day and non-seasonally adjusted)

Q4 2015 Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016
Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Percentage of GDP
Net/Balance -1,058 -1,010 -829 120 -47 -38 36 -758 96 113 8 -90 -630 -6
of which: Direct investment 1,721 1,679 1,616 115 -36 -20 51 1,727 33 75 54 -49 1,840 17
of which: Portfolio investment -2,994 -2,834 -2,516 121 -11 6 -39 -2,439 74 21 -5 -52 -2,401 -22
of which: Other investment -387 -501 -588 -148 0 -0 26 -710 -31 8 -0 11 -721 -7
Assets 22,321 22,214 22,792 196 -80 79 47 23,035 124 483 33 -98 23,578 220
Direct investment 9,843 9,717 9,873 39 -49 -53 33 9,843 146 220 63 -34 10,237 95
Equity 6,887 6,809 6,922 49 -37 -49 3 6,889 146 143 55 21 7,253 68
Debt instruments 2,956 2,909 2,950 -10 -12 -4 30 2,954 0 77 8 -55 2,985 28
Portfolio investment 7,173 7,112 7,429 127 -19 155 -2 7,692 13 146 11 22 7,885 73
Equity 2,574 2,439 2,535 14 -5 109 -5 2,648 20 62 56 12 2,798 26
Investment fund shares 466 438 447 1 -2 7 1 453 4 12 7 4 480 4
Debt securitites 4,133 4,235 4,448 112 -12 40 2 4,590 -11 72 -51 7 4,607 43
Short-term 637 631 646 8 -1 -3 2 652 -26 6 7 4 644 6
Long-term 3,496 3,605 3,801 105 -11 43 -0 3,938 15 65 -58 3 3,963 37
Financial derivatives (net assets) -41 -29 -62 24  - -22 -2 -62 15  - -7 -1 -55 -1
Other investment 4,703 4,738 4,830 -2 -11 -0 18 4,836 -55 108 -0 -86 4,803 45
of which: Currency and deposits 2,621 2,538 2,699 -57 -6  - 14 2,650 -40 60  - 10 2,680 25
Reserve assets 644 675 722 8 -1 -1 -0 727 5 9 -33 0 708 7
Liabilities 23,379 23,224 23,621 76 -32 117 11 23,793 27 370 25 -8 24,207 226
Direct investment 8,122 8,038 8,257 -76 -14 -33 -18 8,116 112 145 9 15 8,398 78
Equity 5,126 5,054 5,179 -23 -2 -9 -21 5,123 56 65 1 58 5,302 49
Debt instruments 2,996 2,984 3,078 -53 -12 -23 3 2,993 57 80 8 -42 3,095 29
Portfolio investment 10,167 9,946 9,946 6 -8 150 37 10,131 -61 125 17 74 10,286 96
Equity 1,838 1,707 1,698 -5 4 89 12 1,798 -2 1 128 8 1,932 18
Investment fund shares 3,210 3,038 3,163 75 1 51 -0 3,290 44 47 21 7 3,410 32
Debt securities 5,119 5,201 5,085 -65 -12 10 25 5,042 -103 77 -132 59 4,944 46
Short-term 387 404 455 -1 -1 0 -4 448 -22 5 -3 -10 418 4
Long-term 4,732 4,797 4,630 -64 -11 9 29 4,594 -81 72 -129 69 4,525 42
Other investment 5,090 5,239 5,418 146 -11 0 -8 5,546 -24 100 -0 -97 5,524 51
of which: Currency and deposits 3,023 3,149 3,342 139 -9  - 1 3,472 -24 58  - -95 3,410 32
Memo item: Gross external debt 13,201 13,420 13,577 28 -35 -14 20 13,577 -70 257 -124 -81 13,559 126
Memo item: Net external debt 1,174 1,309 1,109 -80 1 -49 -28 953 -7 -8 -78 53 913 9
Source: ECB.

Table 3: International investment position of the euro area

(EUR billions, unless otherwise indicated; amounts outstanding at the end of the period, flows during the period; non-working day and non-seasonally adjusted)

Q4 2015 Q1 2016 Q2 2016 Q3 2016 Q4 2016
Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Transactions Exchange rate changes Price changes Other volume changes Amounts outstanding Percentage of GDP
Net/Balance -1,058 -1,010 -829 120 -47 -38 36 -758 96 113 8 -90 -630 -6
of which: Direct investment 1,721 1,679 1,616 115 -36 -20 51 1,727 33 75 54 -49 1,840 17
of which: Portfolio investment -2,994 -2,834 -2,516 121 -11 6 -39 -2,439 74 21 -5 -52 -2,401 -22
of which: Other investment -387 -501 -588 -148 0 -0 26 -710 -31 8 -0 11 -721 -7
Assets 22,321 22,214 22,792 196 -80 79 47 23,035 124 483 33 -98 23,578 220
Direct investment 9,843 9,717 9,873 39 -49 -53 33 9,843 146 220 63 -34 10,237 95
Equity 6,887 6,809 6,922 49 -37 -49 3 6,889 146 143 55 21 7,253 68
Debt instruments 2,956 2,909 2,950 -10 -12 -4 30 2,954 0 77 8 -55 2,985 28
Portfolio investment 7,173 7,112 7,429 127 -19 155 -2 7,692 13 146 11 22 7,885 73
Equity 2,574 2,439 2,535 14 -5 109 -5 2,648 20 62 56 12 2,798 26
Investment fund shares 466 438 447 1 -2 7 1 453 4 12 7 4 480 4
Debt securitites 4,133 4,235 4,448 112 -12 40 2 4,590 -11 72 -51 7 4,607 43
Short-term 637 631 646 8 -1 -3 2 652 -26 6 7 4 644 6
Long-term 3,496 3,605 3,801 105 -11 43 -0 3,938 15 65 -58 3 3,963 37
Financial derivatives (net assets) -41 -29 -62 24  - -22 -2 -62 15  - -7 -1 -55 -1
Other investment 4,703 4,738 4,830 -2 -11 -0 18 4,836 -55 108 -0 -86 4,803 45
of which: Currency and deposits 2,621 2,538 2,699 -57 -6  - 14 2,650 -40 60  - 10 2,680 25
Reserve assets 644 675 722 8 -1 -1 -0 727 5 9 -33 0 708 7
Liabilities 23,379 23,224 23,621 76 -32 117 11 23,793 27 370 25 -8 24,207 226
Direct investment 8,122 8,038 8,257 -76 -14 -33 -18 8,116 112 145 9 15 8,398 78
Equity 5,126 5,054 5,179 -23 -2 -9 -21 5,123 56 65 1 58 5,302 49
Debt instruments 2,996 2,984 3,078 -53 -12 -23 3 2,993 57 80 8 -42 3,095 29
Portfolio investment 10,167 9,946 9,946 6 -8 150 37 10,131 -61 125 17 74 10,286 96
Equity 1,838 1,707 1,698 -5 4 89 12 1,798 -2 1 128 8 1,932 18
Investment fund shares 3,210 3,038 3,163 75 1 51 -0 3,290 44 47 21 7 3,410 32
Debt securities 5,119 5,201 5,085 -65 -12 10 25 5,042 -103 77 -132 59 4,944 46
Short-term 387 404 455 -1 -1 0 -4 448 -22 5 -3 -10 418 4
Long-term 4,732 4,797 4,630 -64 -11 9 29 4,594 -81 72 -129 69 4,525 42
Other investment 5,090 5,239 5,418 146 -11 0 -8 5,546 -24 100 -0 -97 5,524 51
of which: Currency and deposits 3,023 3,149 3,342 139 -9  - 1 3,472 -24 58  - -95 3,410 32
Memo item: Gross external debt 13,201 13,420 13,577 28 -35 -14 20 13,577 -70 257 -124 -81 13,559 126
Memo item: Net external debt 1,174 1,309 1,109 -80 1 -49 -28 953 -7 -8 -78 53 913 9
Source: ECB.