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Short-Term European Paper (STEP)

Disclaimer: the system for compiling STEP statistics is undergoing a comprehensive update, which is expected to be completed by the end of January 2025. As a result of that process, most of the tables on this web page will be migrated to the ECB Data Portal. Links to the new reports will be available in due course.

Yield statistics
Yields on new issues of euro-denominated STEP securities, broken down by sector of the issuer, original time to maturity and rating category for zero coupon instruments, on 10 Jan 2025 (percentages per annum)
Original time to maturity
(in calendar days)
Total issuanceGeneral government and
international organisations
Monetary financial
Other financial intermediariesInsurance corporations and
pension funds
All ratings
0 - 72.93-2.92--ND
8 - 31-ND2.923.00-ND
32 - 91-ND2.832.94-ND
92 - 1832.70-2.69-NDND
184 - 274-ND-NDNDND
275 - 3662.54---NDND
of which Rating 1
0 - 72.93-2.92--ND
8 - 31-ND2.922.99-ND
32 - 91-ND2.82ND-ND
92 - 1832.68--NDNDND
184 - 274-ND-NDNDND
275 - 3662.55--NDNDND
of which Rating 2
8 - 31-NDND-NDND
32 - 91-NDND-NDND
92 - 183-ND-NDNDND
275 - 366-NDND-NDND
Yield spreads above benchmark rates on new issues for euro-denominated STEP securities, broken down by sector of the issuer, original time to maturity and rating category for variable rate instruments, on 10 Jan 2025 (percentage points per annum)
Benchmark rateTotal issuanceGeneral government and
international organisations
Monetary financial
Other financial intermediariesInsurance corporations and
pension funds
All ratings
of which Rating 1
of which Rating 2
"ND": data do not exist. “-”: there are fewer than three issuers for the corresponding category.
Spread between the €STR and the yield on new issues of euro-denominated STEP securities, broken down by sector of the issuer, original time to maturity and rating category for variable rate instruments, on 10 Jan 2025 (percentage points per annum)
Benchmark rate and
original time to maturity (in calendar days)
Total issuanceGeneral government and
international organisations
Monetary financial
Other financial intermediariesInsurance corporations and
pension funds
All ratings
1 week (4-9)NDNDNDNDNDND
1 month (20-40)NDNDNDNDNDND
2 months (50-70)NDNDNDNDNDND
3 months (80-100)-ND-NDNDND
6 months (165-195)-ND-NDNDND
of which Rating 1
1 week (4-9)NDNDNDNDNDND
1 month (20-40)NDNDNDNDNDND
2 months (50-70)NDNDNDNDNDND
3 months (80-100)-ND-NDNDND
6 months (165-195)-ND-NDNDND
of which Rating 2
1 week (4-9)NDNDNDNDNDND
1 month (20-40)NDNDNDNDNDND
2 months (50-70)NDNDNDNDNDND
3 months (80-100)NDNDNDNDNDND
6 months (165-195)NDNDNDNDNDND
"ND": data do not exist. “-”: there are fewer than three issuers for the corresponding category.
Amounts outstanding
Total amounts outstanding of STEP debt securities (EUR billions; end-of-period data)
  2019 2020
  Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb.
Total issuance 400.5 406.5 404.3 386.3 408.3 416.2 422.5 411.2 388.9 372.9 420.2 413.2

The monthly data include the programmes settled in any securities settlement system during the transitional period. In that period, daily data are not provided.

Monthly time series for STEP securities

Amounts outstanding, all currencies of denomination
Amounts outstanding, broken down by residual maturity (EUR millions; nominal values)
Residual time to maturity10 Jan 20259 Jan 20258 Jan 2025
Amount outstanding% of totalAmount outstanding% of totalAmount outstanding% of total
0 - 742,742939,365842,0649
8 - 3190,0111888,1311892,78019
32 - 91150,49830153,46331147,18630
92 - 183114,65523115,43523113,30623
184 - 27462,6131362,5901363,75913
275 - 36636,992734,946733,3917
Amounts outstanding, broken down by sector of the issuer, residual time to maturity and rating category on 10 Jan 2025 (EUR millions; nominal values)
Residual time to maturityTotal issuanceGeneral government and
international organisations
Monetary financial
Other financial intermediariesInsurance corporations and
pension funds
All ratings
0 - 742,74211,91122,3564,2994,11067
8 - 3190,01120,31452,46410,4506,172611
32 - 91150,49825,048107,4158,6349,010390
92 - 183114,65523,65181,2103,3896,38520
184 - 27462,6139,62251,3169057710
275 - 36636,9925,31631,1893421460
of which Rating 1
0 - 729,5244,08119,7041,6794,0600
8 - 3170,03416,72443,8193,4276,0640
32 - 91120,84917,24391,4873,2308,8890
92 - 183100,44823,65170,1553396,3020
184 - 27453,8319,62243,57306350
275 - 36630,9075,31625,46101300
of which Rating 2
0 - 73,19601,2671,879500
8 - 318,50102,6995,6931080
32 - 9112,48108,1774,1831210
92 - 18310,38207,9892,311820
184 - 2745,40904,5167581360
275 - 3664,54204,234292160
Amounts outstanding, broken down by currency, on 10 Jan 2025 (EUR millions; nominal values)
CurrencyAmount outstanding% of totalNumber of issues% of total
Amounts outstanding by programme
Amounts outstanding of STEP securities by programme and currency from 3 Jan 2025 to 10 Jan 2025
(denominated in EUR millions irrespective of the accounting currency)1
+STEP IDProgram nameProgram ceilingAccounting currencyAmount outstanding
3 Jan 2025
Amount outstanding
10 Jan 2025
+ 0003841 Aareal Bank AG Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme3,000 495508
+ 0001911 ABN AMRO Bank N.V. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme25,000 2,4002,460
+ 0002546 Achmea Bank NV NEU CP Programme1,500 1,0291,044
+ 0002032 ACOSS SOCIAL,       NEU      CP70,000 14,61115,231
+ 0003564 adidas AG Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme2,000 00
+ 0001693 African Development Bank ECP2,000 00
+ 0001970 Agence Centrale des Organismes de Sécurité Sociale Euro-Commercial Paper Programme70,000 24,78927,006
+ 0002882 Agence France Locale Guaranteed Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,000 100155
+ 0003921 AIRBUS SE, NEU CP11,000 00
+ 0003622 Akzo Nobel N.V. Euro Commercial Paper Programme1,500 998998
+ 0003794 Alliander N.V. Green Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,500 00
+ 0003750 Allianz SE Euro-Commercial Paper Programme5,000 1,2091,088
+ 0004170 Allied Irish Banks, p.l.c. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,000 266289
  0003815 AMCO Asset Management Company S.p.A. Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme (Programma di Cambiali Finanziarie)1,000 --
+ 0003670 America Movil B.V. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,000 832823
+ 0000092 Antalis SA Negotiable European Commercial Paper11,072 4,7824,737
+ 0003772 ARVAL SERVICE LEASE, NEU CP4,300 00
+ 0004064 Asian Development Bank Euro-Commercial Paper Programme12,000 2,1451,640
+ 0003232 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, Euro-Commercial Paper Programme5,000 00
+ 0003152 AXA Banque NEU CP Not guaranteed6,000 3,2623,382
+ 0003520 B.A.T. International Finance p.l.c., B.A.T. Netherlands Finance B.V. and B.A.T. Capital Corporation Euro-Commercial Paper Programme3,000 025
+ 0002433 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A Paris Branch NEU CP12,000 00
+ 0003301 Banco Santander, S.A., acting through its London Branch Certificate of Deposit Programme20,000 2,9642,497
+ 0002171 Bank of China Limited Paris Branch, NEU CP8,000 917710
+ 0003436 Banque et Caisse dEpargne de lEtat, Luxembourg Euro-Commercial Paper Programme5,000 1,0431,619
+ 0000226 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel ECP and CD Programme25,000 00
+ 0000081 Banque Federative du Credit Mutuel NEU CP30,000 28,17327,219
+ 0004246 Banque Internationale à Luxembourg, societe anonyme, Euro-Commercial Paper Programme5,000 55
+ 0003276 Banque Nomura France NEU CP Guaranteed50 1515
+ 0003221 Barclays Bank Ireland PLC NEU CP20,000 1,6491,649
+ 0003115 Barclays Bank PLC NEU CP50,000 3,7853,785
+ 0002754 Barclays Global Commercial Paper ProgrammeNaN 488488
+ 0000861 Barry Callebaut Services NV Belgian Multi Currency Short-Term Treasury Notes Programm750 896896
+ 0003542 Bayer Aktiengesellschaft Global Commercial Paper Programme5,000 00
+ 0000172 Bayerische Landesbank Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme8,000 1,9182,272
+ 0003516 BayWa Aktiengesellschaft Euro Commercial Paper Programme1,000 2020
+ 0001506 Belfius Bank SA/NV Global Multi Currency Short and Medium Term Certificates of Deposit Programme25,000 3,0473,418
+ 0002513 Belfius Financing Company, societe anonyme, Euro-Commercial Paper Programme10,000 474514
+ 0003553 Berlin Hyp AG, Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,000 557687
+ 0002903 BGL BNP Paribas Euro-Commercial Paper Programme3,000 312398
+ 0003356 BNG Bank N.V. Euro-commercial paper programme.20,000 2772,273
+ 0000066 BNP Paribas Fortis SA/NV Global Multi-currency Short Term Certficates of Deposit ProgrammeNaN 4,2214,515
+ 0000055 BNP Paribas Negotiable European Commercial Paper70,000 14,99315,442
+ 0001623 BPCE Euro-Commercial Paper Programme10,000 4,5304,300
+ 0001645 BPCE NEU CP60,000 20,40320,993
+ 0002685 Bpifrance NEU CP Guaranteed9,000 6,5466,233
+ 0001116 BRED Banque Populaire, NEU CP15,000 7,1867,239
+ 0003126 Bridgestone Europe NV/SA Euro Commercial Paper Programme500 470460
+ 0003046 CA Auto Bank S.p.A. (acting through its Irish Branch) Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,250 537537
+ 0002561 Caisse Centrale du Crédit Immobilier de France 3CIF Guaranteed Negotiable European Commercial Paper8,000 00
+ 0002663 Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme6,000 1,4671,467
+ 0003713 Caterpillar International Finance DAC, Caterpillar International Finance Luxembourg S.à r.l. and Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,500 00
+ 0002583 Coca-Cola HBC Finance B.V. Guaranteed Euro-Commercial Paper1,000 215215
+ 0002524 COFACE SA, NEU CP700 591576
+ 0003863 Cofinimmo SA/NV Global Multi-Currency Short and Medium Term Belgian Sustainable Treasury Notes Programme1,250 715797
+ 0002652 Collateralized Commercial Paper III Co., LLC Commercial Paper Notes Programme20,000 7,8228,328
+ 0000376 Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft Euro Commercial Paper Programme10,000 410360
+ 0000033 Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin, NEU CP2,500 250250
+ 0003611 Continental Aktiengesellschaft Euro Commercial Paper Programme1,500 310310
+ 0002240 Council of Europe Development Bank Euro-Commercial Paper Programme5,000 0291
+ 0000296 Credit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, NEU CP30,000 671571
+ 0002455 Credit Agricole SA NEU CP40,000 17,42116,241
+ 0004122 Credito Emiliano S.p.A. Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme (Programma di Cambiali Finanziarie)1,000 213213
+ 0003265 Crédit Municipal de Paris NEU CP1,000 453423
+ 0002353 Danske Bank A/S Euro-Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit Programme13,000 4,2864,713
+ 0001955 Danske Bank A/S, NEU CP10,000 251250
+ 0002845 de Volksbank N.V Euro-Commercial Paper Programme4,000 633657
+ 0002856 de Volksbank N.V. NEU CP4,000 615495
+ 0002765 DekaBank Commercial Paper Programme15,000 5,3436,279
+ 0002823 Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG Commercial Paper programme5,000 1,6461,646
+ 0002626 Dexia S.A. Guaranteed Euro-Commercial Paper Programme15,000 1,9661,959
+ 0002801 DIAC S.A. NEU CP1,000 3030
  0003345 DS Smith euro-commercial paper multi-issuer programme1,000 -.
+ 0003440 DSM B.V. Euro Commercial Paper Programme2,000 00
+ 0002065 DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, Frankfurt am Main, DZ PRIVATBANK S.A., DZ BANK Multi-Issuer Euro Commercial Paper Programme25,000 6,1278,089
+ 0003403 E.ON SE Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme10,000 00
+ 0002925 Ecolab euro-commercial paper programme2,000 00
+ 0002193 ELO, NEU CP500 00
+ 0003414 ENEL FINANCE INTERNATIONAL N.V. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Target Guaranteed Euro- Commercial Paper Programme8,000 1,8061,806
+ 0000733 Eni S.p.A. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme6,000 00
+ 0002951 Erste Group Bank AG Commercial Paper and Certificates of Deposit ProgrammeNaN 1,2881,338
+ 0004086 Esprinet S.p.A. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme300 11
+ 0003185 Euroclear Bank SA/NV Multi-currency Programme for the issue of short-term Certificates of Deposit20,000 1,5821,575
+ 0000343 European Investment Bank Global Commercial Paper ProgrammeNaN 21,53321,553
+ 0004213 European Stability Mechanism Euro-Commercial Paper Programme20,000 00
+ 0003061 EXOR N.V. Euro-commercial Paper Programme500 00
+ 0004100 Ferrovial SE Sustainability Target Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,500 249208
+ 0004155 Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane S.p.A. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,000 200360
+ 0003002 Fincantieri S.p.A Euro-Commercial Paper Programme500 240239
+ 0002860 Fingrid Oyj Green Euro-Commercial Paper Programme600 195195
+ 0003702 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide Euro Commercial Paper Programme500 00
  0003666 GEA Group Euro-Commercial Paper Programme500 --
+ 0003783 Generalfinance S.p.A. Commercial Paper Programme100 6565
+ 0003980 Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE Certificate of Deposit ProgrammeNaN 651697
+ 0002641 Goldman Sachs International Bank Certificate of Deposit ProgrammeNaN 10,07215,028
+ 0003943 Hamburg Commercial Bank AG Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme1,500 8821,066
+ 0004235 Haniel NowCM Euro Commercial Paper Programme1,000 80110
+ 0004031 HeidelbergCement AG Multi-Currency Sustainability Target Commercial Paper Programme2,000 00
+ 0002776 Heineken N.V. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme3,000 00
+ 0001496 HELABA Landesbank Hessen Thuringen Girozentrale Multi Currency Euro Commercial Paper and Euro Certificate of Deposit Programme10,000 4191,097
+ 0000926 HELABA Landesbank Hessen Thuringen Girozentrale NEU CP6,000 00
+ 0003425 Henkel AG Co. KGaA Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme2,000 100100
+ 0003495 HOCHTIEF Aktiengesellschaft Euro Commercial Paper Programme750 00
  0004042 Holcim Sterling Finance (Netherlands) B.V. and Holcim Finance (Luxembourg) S.A. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme for the issuance of Notes and ESG Notes3,000 --
+ 0000230 HSBC CONTINENTAL EUROPE NEU CP20,000 5,9876,205
+ 0004090 Hungary Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,000 485485
+ 0000766 Iberdrola International B.V. Sustainability Euro-Commercial Paper Programme6,000 3,7673,767
  0003724 IDB Invest Sustainable Commercial Paper Programme3,000 --
+ 0002182 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited acting through its Luxembourg Branch NEU CP2,700 3030
+ 0004166 ING Bank N.V. and ING Bank N.V. acting through its Sydney Branch Green Euro-Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit Programme.20,000 00
+ 0000135 ING Bank NV ECP and CD Programme20,000 8,70110,849
+ 0001036 ING Bank NV NEU CP20,000 10,41810,829
+ 0003254 International Development Association Bills Programme, Euro-Commercial Paper ProgrammeNaN 10,90010,096
+ 0000215 Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Ireland p.l.c., Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Luxembourg, société anonyme and Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Guaranteed Euro Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit and Commercial Paper (Cam30,000 14,42614,104
+ 0001383 Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A NEU CP15,000 00
+ 0001900 Investec Bank plc Euro-Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit Programme1,000 00
+ 0002706 Ireland, acting through The National Treasury Management Agency, Euro Commercial Paper Programme50,000 00
+ 0002940 Johnson Controls International plc euro-commercial paper prorgamme2,000 300300
+ 0002936 JT International Financial Services B.V. Guaranteed Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,000 00
+ 0004005 Jungheinrich Aktiengesellschaft Euro Commercial Paper Programme300 00
+ 0000755 Jyske Bank A/S NEU CP10,000 4,2475,040
+ 0001415 KBC Bank NV Multi Currency Short Term Certificate of Deposit Programme20,000 5,5394,653
+ 0003954 KBC Group NV Multicurrency Short Term Certificate of Deposit Program2,000 4040
+ 0000274 KfW Multi Currency Commercial Paper Programme90,000 3,2883,067
+ 0001543 Kingdom of Sweden ECP ProgrammeNaN 7,6377,635
+ 0003462 KION GROUP AG Euro Commercial Paper Programme750 00
+ 0000412 Klepierre NEU CP1,500 1,0351,035
+ 0001820 Kommunalbanken AS Euro-Commercial PaperNaN 1,5781,667
+ 0001671 Kommuninvest i Sverige Aktiebolag (publ) Euro-Commercial Paper10,000 00
+ 0003575 Koninklijke Ahold Delhaize N.V. Sustainability-Linked Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,500 00
+ 0002973 KONINKLIJKE FRIESLANDCAMPINA N.V. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,000 00
+ 0003484 Koninklijke KPN N.V. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,000 00
+ 0003083 La Banque Postale Euro-Commercial Paper Programme10,000 1,1001,134
+ 0002466 La Banque Postale NEU CP20,000 11,91710,836
+ 0000904 Landesbank Baden Wurttemberg Commercial Paper Programme10,000 7,2617,179
+ 0001324 Landesbank Baden Wurttemberg NEU CP5,000 00
+ 0004133 Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme20,000 8,8308,475
  0003965 Leonardo S.p.A. Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme (Programma di Cambiali Finanziarie)1,000 --
+ 0003072 Lloyds Bank Corporate Markets plc Euro-Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit Programme7,500 3,7693,828
+ 0003976 LMA Euro-Commercial Paper Programme20,000 10,79610,562
+ 0003991 LMA, NEU CP25,000 542541
+ 0004053 London Stock Exchange Group plc, LSEGA Financing PLC and LSEG Netherlands B.V. Guaranteed Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,250 104158
+ 0003906 MAIRE S.p.A. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme for the issuance of Notes300 163163
+ 0000700 Matchpoint Finance plc Negotiable European Commercial Paper20,000 1,9061,912
  0003896 Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A. Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme (Programma di Cambiali Finanziarie)4,000 --
+ 0001372 Mediobanca International (Luxembourg) SA Euro Commercial Paper Guaranteed Programme4,000 00
+ 0001255 Mediobanca International Luxembourg S.A. NEU CP4,000 1,6171,617
+ 0003531 Merck Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,500 00
+ 0003382 METRO AG Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme2,000 313393
  0003735 MG plc Unlimited Global Commercial Paper Programme for the issuance of Euro Commercial Paper and US Commercial PaperNaN --
+ 0002674 Mitsui Co. Financial Services (Europe) Plc Euro-Commercial Paper1,500 00
+ 0001426 MUFG BANK Ltd Paris Branch, NEU CP4,000 00
+ 0000963 Munchener Hypothekenbank eG Euro Commercial Paper Programme5,000 120120
+ 0003692 Municipality Finance Plc euro-commercial paper programme10,000 3,5923,526
+ 0003243 My Money Bank NEU CP500 00
+ 0003050 N.V. Eneco Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,250 245530
+ 0003013 National Westminster Bank plc Euro-Commercial Paper Programme20,000 716712
+ 0000770 Natixis Negotiable European Commercial Paper45,000 12,25212,474
+ 0002411 NatWest Group plc Euro-Commercial Paper Programme10,000 00
+ 0003360 NatWest Markets N.V. Euro Commercial Paper Programme5,000 1,8771,876
+ 0001014 NatWest Markets plc Euro Commercial Paper Programme20,000 1,7931,869
+ 0002721 Nederlandse Waterschapsbank N.V. Euro-Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit Programme25,000 5,67010,287
+ 0003910 NEU CP DEXIA Guaranteed Senior Unsecured5,000 261210
+ 0002696 NIBC Bank N.V. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme3,000 1010
+ 0003280 Nomura Bank International PLC Multi-currency Euro-commercial paper and Euro-certificate of Deposit programme1,500 773773
+ 0000974 Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale Commercial Paper Programme10,000 00
+ 0003141 Nordea Bank Abp Euro-commercial Paper Programme20,000 3,7273,744
+ 0003174 Nordea Bank Abp NEU CP15,000 1,2621,262
+ 0001142 Nordic Investment Bank Euro Commercial Paper Programme2,000 00
+ 0004020 Novo Nordisk A/S and Novo Nordisk Finance (Netherlands) B.V. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme3,000 718768
+ 0001025 Nykredit Bank A/S Euro-Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit Programme3,000 942712
+ 0001762 OP Corporate Bank plc ECP and CD Programme18,000 3,9463,937
+ 0004016 OPEL BANK, NEU CP200 1010
+ 0001660 Paccar Financial Europe BV and Paccar Financial plc Multi Issuer ECP Programme2,000 959888
+ 0001751 Proximus Multi-currency Multi-jurisdiction Programme for the Issue of Short Term Treasury Notes1,000 00
+ 0000070 RCI Banque S.A. NEU CP4,500 943943
+ 0002871 RELX Finance B.V. Guaranteed Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,000 00
+ 0003586 REN-Redes Energéticas Nacionais, SGPS, S.A. and REN Finance B.V. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme600 310310
+ 0003852 Repsol Europe Finance Euro-Commercial Paper Programme3,000 9261,027
+ 0002342 Republic of Cyprus Euro-Commercial Paper Programme5,000 00
  0003590 Republic of Italy Italian Treasury Bills Programme20,000 --
+ 0003600 RWE AG Euro Commercial Paper Programme5,000 5050
+ 0000915 Sanofi NEU CP6,000 00
+ 0004075 Santander Consumer Bank AG Euro-Commercial Paper Programme7,000 2,4262,426
+ 0002962 Santander UK Plc Euro-commercial Paper Programme10,000 173173
+ 0002400 SES and SES Global Americas Holdings GP Guaranteed Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,000 00
+ 0002812 SFIL NEU CP3,000 796746
+ 0003826 Siemens Energy AG and Siemens Energy Finance B.V. Euro Commercial Paper Programme3,000 00
+ 0004224 SMBC Bank EU AG Multi-Currency Commercial Paper Programme5,000 8070
+ 0003196 SNAM S.p.A. Euro-commercial Paper Programme3,500 1,4651,370
+ 0000011 SOCIETE GENERALE, NEU CP60,000 11,76812,183
+ 0000124 Société Générale ECP and ECD Programme20,000 719702
+ 0001521 Sony Global Treasury Services Plc Global Commercial Paper for the issuance of Euro Commercial Paper3,000 00
  0004261 Stedin Holding N.V. Green Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,500 --
+ 0002470 Stedin Holding NV Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,500 100100
+ 0004250 Sumitomo Electric Finance UK Plc Guaranteed Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,000 6080
+ 0002834 Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) Euro-Commercial Paper Programme25,000 13,14513,877
+ 0002780 Svenska Handelsbanken AB NEU CP9,500 00
+ 0003633 Südzucker AG Euro Commercial Paper Programme600 00
  0003644 Telekom Austria Euro-Commercial Paper Programme1,000 --
+ 0003473 TenneT Holding B.V. Euro-Commercial Paper Programme5,000 00
+ 0003804 TERNA - Rete Elettrica Nazionale Società per Azioni Euro-Commercial Paper Programme for the issuance of Notes and ESG Notes2,000 00
+ 0003830 The Kingdom of Denmark Euro Commercial Paper Programme12,000 340365
+ 0004144 The OPEC Fund for International Development, Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,000 456456
+ 0000616 The State of the Netherlands Global Commercial Paper ProgrammeNaN 14,34711,104
+ 0003505 TotalEnergies SE and TotalEnergies Capital Euro-Commercial Paper Programme3,000 1951,332
+ 0003885 Toyota Motor Finance (Netherlands) B.V., Toyota Financial Services (UK) PLC, Toyota Finance Australia Limited (ABN 48 002 435 181) and Toyota Kreditbank GmbH Unlimited Euro Commercial Paper ProgrammeNaN 5,9235,904
+ 0004111 TRATON Euro-Commercial Paper Programme2,500 189189
+ 0004192 UBS Europe SE Euro-Commercial Paper and Certificate of Deposit ProgrammeNaN 3030
+ 0003874 UniCredit S.p.A. Euro-Commercial Paper and Commercial Paper (Cambiali Finanziarie) Programme15,000 1,133933
+ 0001040 UniCredit S.p.A., NEU CP20,000 3,9353,935
+ 0003451 Uniper SE Euro Commercial Paper Programme1,800 310360
  0003761 Vier Gas Transport GmbH Euro Commercial Paper Programme500 --
+ 0002604 Vodafone Group Plc Euro-Commercial Paper Programme10,000 00
+ 0000792 Warehouses De Pauw Belgian Multi-currency Short-Term Treasury Notes Programme200 00
+ 0002320 Whirlpool Corporation Negotiable European Commercial Paper500 00

The figures may not sum up to the aggregated amounts outstanding displayed in the other tab due to the fact that this table also includes programmes settled in Securities Settlement Systems that report data on a weekly basis. “-”: the programme exists but has not issued 1) The daily spot rate vis-à-vis the Euro as at 2:15 p.m. (C.E.T.) is used.

Gross issues
New issues, broken down by original maturity (EUR millions; nominal values)
Original time to maturity10 Jan 20259 Jan 20258 Jan 2025
New issues% of totalNew issues% of totalNew issues% of total
0 - 76,923445,398359,76946
8 - 311,6171072751,8229
32 - 911,801112,695172,71213
92 - 1832,531163,480224,55621
184 - 27420095465192
275 - 3662,941192,354151,8199
New issues, broken down by sector of the issuer, original time to maturity and rating category, on 10 Jan 2025 (EUR millions; nominal values)
Original time to maturityTotal issuanceGeneral government and
international organisations
Monetary financial
Other financial intermediariesInsurance corporations and
pension funds
All ratings
0 - 76,9231005,305431,4750
8 - 311,61704987703480
32 - 911,80119488737931129
92 - 1832,5313142,11010970
184 - 27420020000
275 - 3662,9413682,5532000
of which Rating 1
0 - 76,5031004,885431,4750
8 - 311,49404986473480
32 - 911,278194742303110
92 - 1832,4433142,0320970
184 - 27420020000
275 - 3662,8213682,453000
of which Rating 2
0 - 7000000
8 - 3190009000
32 - 912500025000
92 - 18378078000
184 - 274000000
275 - 36612001002000

On 9 June 2006, Euribor ACI and Euribor FBE adopted the STEP Market Convention. The Convention requires issuers to put in place any arrangements with the securities settlement systems, the issuing and paying agents, the dealers, the arrangers or any other relevant entity that are necessary to provide the eligible data provider with complete and accurate data for the production of statistics by the ECB.

Since 2 April 2007, the STEP market has been accepted as a non-regulated market for collateral purposes in Eurosystem credit operations. See the press release

In order to be eligible for use as collateral in Eurosystem operations, notes issued under STEP-compliant programmes also have to fulfil all the eligibility criteria listed in Chapter 6 of the document entitled “The implementation of monetary policy in the euro area: General documentation on the Eurosystem monetary policy instruments and procedures”. More

Data providers

Data providers, which act on a voluntary basis, may be eligible securities settlement systems, national central banks or other institutional entities. These entities are eligible as statistical data providers if they are able to comply with the reporting instructions*. The data providers are assessed by the ECB on the basis of their capacity to comply with these reporting instructions, and new data providers may only be accepted with the approval of the STEP Market Committee.

Each eligible data provider covers all STEP issues that are settled in its system or that are deposited in a securities settlement system for which the data provider has complete data coverage. The depository location of the securities is contained in the security ISIN code.

Should multiple settlement systems be deemed eligible to report issues for a given market, each settlement system that acts as a data provider will transmit data on those issues that it has settled in its system.

*New reporting instructions to integrate Short-Term European Paper (STEP) data compilation into the Centralised Securities Database (CSDB) processes will be introduced in January 2025.

About STEP statistics

The STEP statistics concern primary market volumes of, and yields on, short-term debt securities issued in the context of programmes that have received the STEP label from the STEP Market Committee.

The ECB publishes aggregated daily data on outstanding amounts of STEP securities, i.e. data on the nominal values of all STEP securities that have been issued but not redeemed at the end of the reference period. Statistics on aggregated new issues are also available at daily intervals.

The daily yield statistics encompass annualised yields on euro-denominated STEP-labelled zero coupon issues, referring to the primary market interest rates originally agreed between an issuer and an investor. Issues refer to short-term debt securities with an original maturity of up to one year. Yield statistics are also available for euro-denominated STEP issues priced with a spread against reference interest rates.

The STEP statistics cover all issues made under STEP labelled programmes. However, in order to allow the data providers to adapt their systems as necessary, a transitional period has been provided for. Therefore, some issues made under STEP-labelled programmes may not be covered by the daily STEP statistics. In order to cover the whole STEP market, outstanding amounts of STEP securities, including the amounts issued in any securities settlement system during its transitional period, are also published on a monthly basis.

“Total issuance” refers to all the STEP securities issued by all sectors. Sectors other than those comprising monetary financial institutions and non-financial corporations are currently not presented separately as the issuance volumes involved are small. Sector definitions are available in the glossary.

Issues published under the credit rating category “All ratings” refer to all STEP-labelled securities for which data are collected by the ECB.

Issues published under the credit rating category “Rating 1” refer to issues under those programmes that have the highest credit ratings.

Issues under programmes allocated to the credit rating categories “Rating 2” and “Rating 3” refer to those STEP securities that have high or medium credit ratings respectively. Currently, statistics for issues allocated to credit rating category “Rating 3” are not published, given the small issuance volumes.

In this way, the ECB ensures transparency while respecting the confidentiality of individual price or yield data.

The statistics are published on the ECB’s website at weekly intervals on the first business day of each week, except in the case of ECB holidays when publication will follow on the subsequent working day. The data refer to each day of the previous week.

For more detailed methodological information, please refer to the STEP Methodological Notes

Data since September 2016 revised on 5 August 2020 due to the reclassification of some STEP issuers’ institutional sectors.

Disclaimer and limitation of liability

The European Central Bank (ECB) maintains this site for information purposes only, within the context of the STEP Market Convention. The content thereof, including quotes, data and other information, is not intended

  • to address any specific purposes (including, without limitation, trading purposes); or
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  • to make any recommendations regarding particular financial instruments, investments or products.

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