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User guide

1. MFI database structure

The following table describes the structure of the MFI data, to enable the data to be exported to local databases.

Field name Type Max. length Codes Description




The ID code is a unique identifier for each MFI




The ‘legal entity identifier’ (LEI), an alphanumeric reference code in line with the ISO 17442 standard assigned to a legal entity

COUNTRY OF REGISTRATION Text 2 country codes The country of residence of the MFI
NAME Text 255   The full registration name of the MFI
BOX Text 10   The post office box number
ADDRESS Text 150   The name of the street and the number of the building
POSTAL CODE Text 15   The postcode of the institution
CITY Text 50   The town or city of location
CATEGORY Text 20   The type of MFI according to predefined categories
HEAD COUNTRY OF REGISTRATION Text 2 country codes The country in which the head office is located (for foreign branches only)



200   The full registration name of the head office institution (for foreign branches only)




The ID code of the head office




The ‘legal entity identifier’ (LEI), an alphanumeric reference code in line with the ISO 17442 standard assigned to a legal entity, of the head office




Whether the entity is legally subject to Euro Area BSI Statistics full/tail reporting requirement

2. How to perform user-defined queries

For the MFI database provided on the ECB's website, there is a special form which allows users to perform individual queries under “Search the database”. In this form you are able to insert search criteria into each field. If you enter criteria into more than one field, your entries will be handled as logical "AND" conditions.

Field type e.g. Features
Edit box You can enter alphanumeric characters. This querying feature is case insensitive and performs approximate matching. You can enter several criteria, provided that these are separated by spaces. If a criterion itself contains spaces, the criterion has to be enclosed in quotation marks ("). Single quotation marks (') cannot be used for the time being. If you enter several criteria in one field, the query will match any of the options entered.
Drop-down box You can select only one option from a dropdown box.

You can use the "Clear filters" button to reset all settings in the form. After submitting the form, it will be possible to display the result on screen.

3. How to download files

3.1. Download data set

The ECB provides several files for public download. They can be found in the section MID download.

3.2. File format

Each file will be available in compressed format (standard GZIP format), as well as in uncompressed format. The compressed files can be uncompressed using unzipping tools which are available for most operating systems on the internet. Software to decompress these files under several operating systems can be found here . To download an uncompressed file (.csv or .xml extension), please use the right mouse button and select "Save link as...", or the corresponding menu item from the pop-up menu of your browser.

3.3. Data format

With MID, two download file formats are provided. The download files can either be in a CSV format or in a XML format to be directly used by other software, automatic processes or by the user in any kind of spreadsheet software. The used character set in MID for CSV files is UTF-16LE and for XML files it is UTF-16, i.e. the same encoding is used as with the current list of Eligible Assets.

4. Receive datasets via RSS

To be notified about new information and receive new data published by ECB RSS is the recommended channel. After subscribing to RSS service, all information published via MID are collected in one feed, accessible via URL http://mid.ecb.europa.eu/rss/mid.xml.
In every case when updated data are available a new entry will be shown in the RSS containing the links to retrieve the updated data.

The relevant part in the RSS feed is the release Title ‘List of monetary financial institutions (MFIs)’ and ‘List of monetary financial institutions including minimum reserve requirement features (monthly data)’.

5. Security

All website pages are delivered through secure http. Files in the download area are also transmitted through secure http. For more information about the secure http protocol please refer to your browser documentation.

The MID messages for MFIs (daily data) and institutions subject to minimum reserve requirements contain a digital signature which is used to validate the authenticity of the sender (ECB) and to ensure that the message has not been altered after its creation. Further details regarding the usage of a digital signature and how to verify it are explained in detail in the MID Catalogue of services and integration guide.