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FAQs on lists of financial institutions

What is the difference between the list of monetary financial institutions (MFIs) and the list of credit institutions subject to minimum reserve requirements?

The list of MFIs is established by the ECB for statistical purposes and comprises all MFIs in all EU Member States.

MFIs, as defined in Regulation ECB/2021/2, are comprised of the following statistical sectors: central banks (S121), deposit-taking corporations except central banks (S122), and money market funds (S123).

The list of credit institutions subject to minimum reserve requirements includes all credit institutions resident in the euro area and identifies those that are subject to minimum reserve requirements (variable “reserve” set to “Yes”).

Euro area credit institutions in the list of MFIs (within sector S122) are also included in the list of credit institutions subject to minimum reserve requirements. However, the latter may also include “non-MFI credit institutions”, which are investment firms that are authorised as credit institutions but which do not meet the statistical definition of an MFI – these are instead classified in the sector “Other financial intermediaries, except insurance corporations and pension funds” (S125).

The list of MFIs is updated on the ECB’s website on a daily basis, and the list of credit institutions subject to minimum reserve requirements on a monthly basis. Data can be downloaded via the “Download dataset” tool. As an alternative, please subscribe to the mailing lists.

What is the entity ID code? Where is it derived from?

The entity ID code is a unique alphanumeric code assigned to the financial institution by the national central bank of the EU Member State where it is resident. The first two digits represent the two-digit ISO code of the country of residence of the financial institution.

Does the entity ID code have a legal basis or is it merely an internal code used by the ECB?

The entity ID code convention has been set up and agreed on by the ECB and the national central banks. It is legally binding and is laid down in Guideline ECB/2018/16.

Can financial institution identifiers change?

Although only applied in rare circumstances, national central banks (NCBs) can decide to change the identifier assigned to a financial institution resident in their jurisdiction. This can be due, e.g., to a major internal re-organisation in the national statistical reporting systems. A list of the changes which occurred in the past is available here:

Are mergers and acquisitions figures available on the ECB's website?

Document on mergers and acquisitions is available on the ECB’s website: Mergers and acquisitions involving the EU banking industry - facts and implications (December 2000). However, specific information concerning such activity in the EU MFI sector is due to be published in the future. The following information will be provided on a monthly basis: registered names of involved institutions, ID codes (where applicable) and the corresponding dates of legal effect of all MFIs involved with other MFIs/non-MFIs in merger-related activity.

Is there an alternative to the annual versions if I wish to receive the list of MFIs and institutions subject to minimum reserves?

Please go to Download dataset and download the data you need.

Some of the items in the "Search the database" list boxes are selected by default. How do I deselect these options?

Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the selected item at the same time.

I cannot access 'Search the database' or the 'Download dataset' areas.

One reason for this problem could be a temporary Internet overload. If this happens, please try again later.

I cannot access the 'Download dataset' area even after trying repeatedly. I receive an error message: "Requested operation could not be performed by the proxy: unable to locate host".

This is a problem at the user’s site, as the user's proxy server cannot locate the ECB's website. This could be due to proxy misconfiguration or a problem with "https".

When accessing a website I receive an error message stating that a "security violation" might take place – I cannot then gain access.

The MFI website is a secure web server. Security is achieved by using https as a communication protocol and the problem might be related to settings at the user site which disable https communication. Please ask your local IT support about this and/or consult your company internet policy.

Could you let me have the software required to unzip compressed files and instructions?

We provide files in a compressed format (.gzip) and in an uncompressed format (.txt) for a manual download. Downloading instructions and the location of unzipping software can be found in the User guide.

Where can I find legal information about MFIs?

More legal information about MFIs are available on the Legal Framework section of the ECB website.