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Market practices in Denmark

Name of National Central Bank Danmarks Nationalbank
Phone number of the CCBM unit + 45 33 63 69 39
Fax number of the CCBM unit + 45 33 63 71 17
email targetgroup@nationalbanken.dk
Foreign counterparties’ contact for credit claim related issues Not applicable
Publications describing local legal and operational procedures -
Legal and procedural aspects
Procedural aspects governing a repurchase agreement with the NCB and legal documentation used (if applicable) When acting as CCB, a safe custody account in the HCB's name is opened.Danmarks Nationalbank acts as the administrator of this account.
Procedural aspects governing a pledge towards the NCB and legal documentation used (if applicable) When acting as CCB, a safe custody account is opened in the pledger's name.
Danmarks Nationalbank acts as the administrator of this account.
Specific procedures governing non-marketable assets Not applicable
Technical Aspects Værdipapircentralen A/S (VP Securities Services)
Type of eligible assets held Marketable assets
Opening hours 08:00 - 17:00 CET
Number of settlement cycles per day (please indicate cut-off for inputting instructions for each cycle) -
Account of NCB in the SSS -
HCB's sub accounts in the SSS (where applicable) -
Matching requirements -
Matching/Settlement details See VP website
Special Operating Procedures -
Homepage of SSS www.vp.dk