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Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem as at 1 June 2007

5 June 2007

Items not related to monetary policy operations

In the week ending 1 June 2007, the decrease of EUR 29 million in gold and gold receivables (asset item 1) reflected sales of gold by two Eurosystem central banks (consistent with the Central Bank Gold Agreement of 27 September 2004).

The net position of the Eurosystem in foreign currency (asset items 2 and 3 minus liability items 7, 8 and 9) increased by EUR 0.2 billion to EUR 146.5 billion.

The holdings by the Eurosystem of marketable securities of euro area residents denominated in euro (asset item 7) increased by EUR 0.4 billion to EUR 94.9 billion. Banknotes in circulation (liability item 1) rose by EUR 3.4 billion to EUR 626.8 billion. Liabilities to general government (liability item 5.1) decreased by EUR 14.1 billion to EUR 46.1 billion.

Items related to monetary policy operations

The Eurosystem’s net lending to credit institutions (asset item 5 minus liability items 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 4) decreased by EUR 11.2 billion to EUR 434.3 billion. On Wednesday, 30 May 2007, a main refinancing operation of EUR 295.5 billion matured and a new one of EUR 284.5 billion was settled. On Thursday, 31 May 2007, a longer-term refinancing operation of EUR 50 billion matured and a new one of EUR 50 billion was settled.

Recourse to the marginal lending facility (asset item 5.5) was virtually nil (compared with EUR 0.2 billion in the previous week), and recourse to the deposit facility (liability item 2.2) was EUR 0.2 billion (approximately the same as in the previous week).

Current accounts of euro area credit institutions

As a result of all transactions, the current account position of credit institutions with the Eurosystem (liability item 2.1) increased by EUR 0.8 billion to EUR 188 billion.

Assets (EUR millions) Balance Difference compared with last week due to transactions
Totals/sub-totals may not add up, due to rounding
1 Gold and gold receivables 179,995 −29
2 Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 143,270 764
2.1 Receivables from the IMF 10,056 100
2.2 Balances with banks and security investments, external loans and other external assets 133,214 664
3 Claims on euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 25,379 373
4 Claims on non-euro area residents denominated in euro 15,353 412
4.1 Balances with banks, security investments and loans 15,353 412
4.2 Claims arising from the credit facility under ERM II 0 0
5 Lending to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro 434,509 −11,230
5.1 Main refinancing operations 284,501 −11,002
5.2 Longer-term refinancing operations 150,002 2
5.3 Fine-tuning reverse operations 0 0
5.4 Structural reverse operations 0 0
5.5 Marginal lending facility 6 −229
5.6 Credits related to margin calls 0 −1
6 Other claims on euro area credit institutions denominated in euro 14,415 280
7 Securities of euro area residents denominated in euro 94,861 356
8 General government debt denominated in euro 37,643 −14
9 Other assets 233,014 475
Total assets 1,178,439 −8,613
Liabilities (EUR millions) Balance Difference compared with last week due to transactions
Totals/sub-totals may not add up, due to rounding
1 Banknotes in circulation 626,775 3,392
2 Liabilities to euro area credit institutions related to monetary policy operations denominated in euro 188,221 821
2.1 Current accounts (covering the minimum reserve system) 188,025 804
2.2 Deposit facility 196 18
2.3 Fixed-term deposits 0 0
2.4 Fine-tuning reverse operations 0 0
2.5 Deposits related to margin calls 0 −1
3 Other liabilities to euro area credit institutions denominated in euro 196 −5
4 Debt certificates issued 0 0
5 Liabilities to other euro area residents denominated in euro 54,555 −14,222
5.1 General government 46,082 −14,070
5.2 Other liabilities 8,473 −152
6 Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in euro 20,254 119
7 Liabilities to euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 156 1
8 Liabilities to non-euro area residents denominated in foreign currency 16,418 944
8.1 Deposits, balances and other liabilities 16,418 944
8.2 Liabilities arising from the credit facility under ERM II 0 0
9 Counterpart of special drawing rights allocated by the IMF 5,578 0
10 Other liabilities 72,435 337
11 Revaluation accounts 125,521 0
12 Capital and reserves 68,330 0
Total liabilities 1,178,439 −8,613

European Central Bank

Directorate General Communications

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